In the case that you obtain information about the death/perish of a Ukrainian national within the consular district please contact our Office (+6221) 250-08-01; (+62) 8788-489-0918 or send information to our fax: (+6221) 250-08-02 or e-mail: [email protected]
Please be advised that we need not only the name, but also personal data of the deceased Ukrainian such as the copy of his/her ID (if possible Ukrainian passport) or any available information concerning his/her place of final residency in Ukraine and that of his/her relatives.
After receiving the information, the Consular Office will immediately inform relatives in Ukraine or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine so that they may establish contact with existing family members in Ukraine. With the consent of the existing family members, we are ready to assist in compliance with the Ukrainian law regarding repatriation of the body.
All other questions should be addressed to the funeral companies themselves.
This page is in Ukrainian language only.
This page is in Ukrainian language only.